Vantage Highlights

Vantage will begin with a “Welcome Reception” held at The Rimrock Resort on May 31st, 2022 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm. The conference will conclude with a farewell breakfast held at The Rimrock Resort @ 8:00am- 9:00am, prior to check out time. Scheduled shuttle transportation will be provided to and from the conference hotel for delegates staying at the Fox Hotel and Rundlestone Lodge.

Day 1:
May 31, 2022


Pre-Conference Day

Networking Activities

Welcome Reception

Day 2:
June 1, 2022



Welcome, Conference Objectives, Land Acknowledgement

Plenary 1
Canada's Pension Model: Reflections

Plenary 2
Canadian Pensions in a Global Context: From the Inside Looking Out and From the Outside Looking In (Panel)

Guest Speaker
Sustainability Reporting: A Path Forward or Pandora's Box?

KEYNOTE Speaker, Mark Carney and Lunch

Plenary 3
Research Showcase: Social and Economic Value of Public Sector Pensions (Panel)

Concurrent Sessions (1-3)
Session 1: Navigating the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy (Panel)

Session 2:
Transitional Finance & Alberta's Energy Industry (Panel)

Session 3:
Cybersecurity and Ransomware (Panel)

Plenary 4
Real Assets in a Green World (Panel)

Daily Summary

Evening Events


Day 3:
June 2, 2022


Alberta's Resilient Economy: Battered, Bruised and Rebounding

Plenary 5
Next Steps - Investments: Focusing Capital on the Long Term (Panel)

Plenary 6
Pensions: Growth Innovations for Plan Sustainability (Panel)

Plenary 7
Research Round-up: The Value of a Value Proposition (Panel)

Greetings from the Province of Alberta

Concurrent Sessions (4-6)
Session 4: Political Volatility and Shifting Landscapes (Panel)

Session 5: CAAT’s New Model- Innovation in Pension Coverage (Panel)

Session 6:
AI, Machine Learning & Innovation (Panel)

Featured Guest Speaker
Geopolitical Alpha & Beta

Daily Summary

Close of Program - Thanks

Evening Banquet & Entertainment

Day 4:
June 3, 2022


Post-Conference Day

Farewell Breakfast

Stay updated about additions to the Vantage program
and learn more about each particular session.