Vantage Day 1

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

  • 7:15 - 8:15am - Breakfast

  • 8:15 - 8:30am - Welcome, Conference Objectives, Land Acknowledgement

  • 8:30 - 9:30am - Plenary 1 - Canadian Pension Model: Reflections

    The Canadian Pension Model changed the way public pensions were managed and set the course for the modern successful plans we have today. Hear the origin story from two of the “Godfathers of the Canadian Pension Model” as they join with one of Canada’s Maple 8 leaders to discuss to reflect on where we are today.


    • Claude Lamoureux, Former President & CEO (OTPP)

    • Keith Ambachtsheer, President (KPA Advisory Services)


    • Evan Siddall, CEO (AIMCo)

  • 9:45 - 11:00am - Plenary 2 - Canadian Pensions in a Global Context: From the Inside Looking Out and from the Outside Looking In

    The ‘Canadian Pension Model’ has become the envy of the global pensions world. Yet, the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index gives Canada only a ‘B’ rating for its retirement income system. This Panel discusses Canada’s model in the context of other countries who could benefit from its adoption and explores some of the good practices elsewhere that could improve Canada’s rating overall. What would it take for Canada to be an ‘A’ pensions country?


    • Clive Lipshitz, Managing Partner (Tradewind Interstate Advisors)

    • Neil Loyd, Partner (Mercer Canada)


    • Chris Brown, CEO (LAPP)

  • 11:00am - 11:30am - Guest Speaker - Sustainability Reporting: A Path Forward or Pandora's Box?

    In this presentation, Ed will explore some of the challenges and opportunities for pension plans being posed by the increasing focus on sustainability reporting for and by fiduciary asset managers. How might it change the paradigm for corporate governance, investment decision-making, board and trustee duties and stakeholder accountability?


    • Ed Waitzer, Chair of the Review Committee for a Canadian Sustainability Standards Board and Retired Partner (Stikeman Elliot LLP)

  • 11:45 - 1:45pm - Lunch with KEYNOTE Speaker, Mark Carney

    “Building Value for All”

    Former governor of the Bank of Canada and more recently the Bank of England, Mark Carney will present the featured keynote address with a message for Public Sector Pension Plans across Canada. Following the 2021 release of his book "Value(s) - Building a Better World for All", Mark will share his views on restoring the balance between economic values and social values post COVID and in a time of significant political and economic volatility. Board members, trustees and pension and investment executives of Canada’s public pension plans will hear from one of Canada’s most exceptional leaders on how to rethink and rebuild today's market society for the benefit of all and what role Canada’s public pensions can play in that future.

    Introduction by: Evan Siddall, CEO (AIMCo)


    • Mark Carney

    Panel Discussion

    • Chris Brown, CEO (LAPP)

    • Evan Siddall, CEO (AIMCo)

  • 1:45 - 2:45pm - Plenary 3 - Research Showcase: Social and Economic Value of Public Sector Pensions

    Alberta’s public sector plans are releasing the results of two research projects this week that speak directly to the economic and social value of public sector plans in Alberta. The hope is these results will highlight the value of these plans beyond the members, retirees and employers who directly benefit from and are served by them. There is value to the economy, communities, and the society in which we live and a positive story to tell.


    • David Stiff, Director (CANCEA Alberta Research)

    • Lynette Martin, CEO (PSPP)

    • Sheri Wright, VP Stakeholder Relations and Communications (LAPP)


    • Darryl Mabini, Assistant Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Research (HOOPP)

  • 3:00 - 4:00pm - CONCURRENT SESSIONS (1-3)

    Concurrent sessions will be taped so that conference delegates will have access to all conflicting sessions after the conference.

  • Concurrent Session 1 - Navigating the Transition to a Low Carbon Economy

    From strategy to implementation, sustainability practitioners describe how Canadian institutional investors are measuring climate risk and opportunity to inform investment processes and decision making. They will share how they measure progress and overcome common barriers in their quest to address climate resiliency.


    • Bertrand Millot - Head of Sustainability (CDPQ)

    • Alison Loat, Managing Director, Sustainable Investing and Innovation (OP Trust)

    • Samantha Hill, Managing Director, Sustainable Investing (CPPIB)


    • Alison Schneider, VP, Responsible Investment (AIMCo)

  • Concurrent Session 2 - Transitional Finance & Alberta's Energy Industry

    Transition finance is industry inclusive and aims to offer especially high-emitting companies the capital that is needed to finance their shift towards a climate-neutral, or even positive outcome. What is the financial perspective of transition finance for pensions?


    • Jackie Forrest, Executive Director, ARC Energy Research Institute (ARC Financial Corporation)

    • Kate Chisholm, SVP, Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer (Capital Power)

    • Martha Hall Findlay, Chief Climate Officer (Suncor)


    • Patrycja Drainville, Associate Director, Sustainable Finance (Scotiabank)

  • Concurrent Session 3 - Cybersecurity and Ransomware

    In this time of increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and ransomware assaults, what technologies, process and controls does your board and organization have in place for investment security and pension administration? How do we protect against unauthorized exploitations of systems, networks and security protocols as cyber tech continues to evolve at an alarming rate?


    • Steve French, Director, VP Information Services & Technology and CIO (APS)

    • Micheal Hatter, Director, BT - Technology Platforms & Security (AIMCo)


    • Cheldon Angus, Chief People & Technology Officer (SHEPP)

  • 4:15 - 5:00pm - Plenary 4 - Real Assets in a Green World

    From coal plants to wind farms, shopping malls to high rise apartments, the race to a green new world is on… but it cannot succeed without pension capital. How can pensions contribute to this progress in the Real Asset space, and what opportunities lay ahead?


    • John Casola, CIO (Canada Infrastructure Bank)

    • Ryan Shockley, Managing Director (BlackRock)

    • Macky Tall, Partner & Chair, Infrastructure Group (Carlyle)


    • Ben Hawkins, Head, Infrastructure, Renewables & Sustainable Investing (AIMCo)

  • 5:00 - 5:10pm - Closing Thoughts & Reminders

  • 7:00 - 10:30pm - Evening Events

Vantage Day 2 Agenda