Vantage Day 2

Thursday, June 2, 2022

  • 7:15 - 8:30am - Breakfast and Guest Speaker - Alberta's Resilient Economy: Battered, Bruised and Rebounding

    After facing many challenges in the past several years, the recovery in Alberta's economy is firmly underway, but the province continues to feel the effects of COVID-19 and the challenges the pandemic has created.  Catherine will be presenting on recent trends and issues impacting Alberta's economy.

    Introduction: Gosia Talanczuk, VP Investment Policy & Oversight (LAPP)


    • Catherine Rothrock, Chief Economist (Government of Alberta)

  • 8:30 - 9:30am - Plenary 5 - Next Steps - Investments: Focusing Capital on the Long Term

    Pension funds differ from the typical investor in that they are truly long-term capital. The investment lens is not measured in months or a few years, but rather the many decades ahead. How do pensions establish a long-term lens and govern it effectively? Governance aspect challenges what options are out there to invest in the long term – why they are not partnering back.


    • Mark Wiseman, Board Chair (AIMCo) & former President and CEO of Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB)

    • Ehren Cory, CEO (Canada Infrastructure Bank)

    • Theresa Whitmarsh, Director (FCLT Board)

  • 10:00 - 11:15am - Plenary 6 - Pensions: Growth Innovations for Plan Sustainability

    Each pension plan in Canada is unique. Depending on maturation, plan benefits and funding experience, each will have a distinct path to follow for a sustainable future. Plan executives will discuss the challenges ahead, share info on their growth and sustainability initiatives and engage the audience on important next steps for public pension plans in Canada.


    • Derek Dobson, CEO and Plan Manager (CAAT)

    • Dani Goraichy, Chief Risk Officer & Senior VP (OP Trust)

    • Judy Payne, Executive Director (BC Municipal Plan)


    John Bercsenyi, VP, Pension Policy and Funding (LAPP)

  • 11:15am - 12:15pm - Plenary 7 - Research Round-up: The Value of a Value Proposition

    Over the years, public sector pension plans across Canada have benefited from research projects on retirement, pension design, and income adequacy for retirees. HOPP, OMERS and CPPLC (Canadian Public Pension Leadership Council) have been leaders in this area, adding to research literature and enhancing discussion with policy makers and the Canadian public. This session will address how data can be used to illustrate a value proposition and the value that comes from doing so.


    • Celine Chiovitti, EVP and Head of Pensions (OMERS)

    • Alison McKay, CEP (SHEPP), Co-Chair (CPPLC)

    • Ivana Zanardo, VP Plan Operations (HOOPP)


    • Bita Jenab, FSA, FCIA Director, Research & Analysis (BC College and Public Service Plans)

  • 12:15 - 1:30pm - Lunch with Speaker

    “Greetings from the Province of Alberta”

  • 1:45 - 2:45pm - CONCURRENT SESSIONS (4-6)

    Concurrent sessions will be taped so that conference delegates will have access to all conflicting sessions after the conference.

  • Concurrent Session 4 - Political Volatility and Shifting Landscapes

    Born out of legislation and susceptible to changes in provincial policy or legislation, many of Canada’s public sector pension plans could find their world changing with the stroke of a pen as political winds change. This panel will explore current examples of how a change in government might mean a change in how pension boards continue to deliver on their pension promise and how to rise to the challenge.


    • Chris Brown, CEO (LAPP)

    • Chuck Bruce, CEO (Provident10)

    • Jeff Norton, President & CEO (TRAF, Manitoba)

  • Concurrent Session 5 - CAAT’s New Model- Innovation in Pension Coverage

    Innovation and growth by public pension plans are fueling new ideas and new opportunities for expanded pension coverage for Canadians. A successful public sector case study is CAAT’s DBplus plan design and other developments. Learn how it works and how it was developed.


    • Kevin Rorwick, Chief Operating Officer (CAAT)

    • Available CAAT Governors

  • Concurrent Session 6 - AI, Machine Learning & Innovation

    How can pensions harness "big data" to take an investment edge and what resources are required to succeed? Learn more about how artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other innovations are shaking up the global pension landscape.


    • Brad Betts, PhD, Managing Director, Global Equity Research (BlackRock)

    • Drew Conway, Senior Vice President (Two Sigma)

    • Kianna Adams, Head of Partnership Operations (AlphaLayer)

  • 3:15 - 4:15pm - Featured Guest Speaker - Geopolitical Alpha & Beta

    Geopolitical analysis is no longer a nice-to-have. Multipolarity is a paradigm shift investors are only now becoming intimately aware of US-China tensions, Ukraine war, deglobalization, and overall increased probability of military conflict around the world. However, it is not sufficient to simply say that geopolitics will assert itself more forcefully over the next decade. Investors must navigate the new, complicated, chess board and generate alpha at the same time.


    • Marko Papic, Partner and Chief Strategist (Clocktower Group)

  • 4:15 - 4:30pm - Daily Summary

  • 4:30 - 4:45pm - Close of Program - Thanks

  • 6:30 - 7:30pm - Evening Events